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My Speech Universe: There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books: Phonological Awareness Book Companion

25 July 2013

There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books: Phonological Awareness Book Companion

Phew!  That is a mouthful of a title!  TpT wouldn't even allow the whole title because it had too many characters!  But, I love this book, and am so exited to share my newest phonemic awareness book companion with you!

There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books: Phonemic Awareness Book Companion

This is based on the book by Lucille Colandro.  This book companion contains activities that work on rhyme awareness, rhyme generation, syllable awareness, syllable blending, and monosyllable word blending (onset/rime).  The activities are as follows:

How Many Syllables?- Students count the number of syllables, and use Do-A-Dot markers to complete the activity. (4 worksheets)

Blending Syllables– Students listen to two syllables, and state the word that they hear. (18 cards and game board)
Recognizing Rhyme-Students listen to two words, and then state if the two words rhyme. (24 cards and 2 mats)
Generating Rhyme-  Students are given a word, and asked to state a rhyming word. (27 cards and roll it, rhyme it, keep it game board)

Blending Monosyllable Words Onset-Rime– Students listen to an onset and a rime, and asked to state the word they hear when the sounds are blended together.    (18 cards and game board from Blending Syllables activity)
This activity is available HERE at my TpT store.
You can also have a chance to win a copy of this activity by entering this rafflecopter giveaway.
I hope you enjoy this activity as much as I do!



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