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My Speech Universe: 4 Fun Ways to Use Snowmen in Speech and Language Therapy

24 February 2018

4 Fun Ways to Use Snowmen in Speech and Language Therapy

Using snowmen in speech therapy is a great way to engage students in the winter months!

Winter is in full swing here in Michigan!  It has been cold and snowy and we are only a few weeks into winter. This has been my view on my way to work (not bad, right?):

Using snowmen in speech therapy is a great way to engage students in the winter months!

My kids all love to build snowmen when they play in the snow, and I've found a few ways to incorporate snowmen into my speech and language therapy too!

Over the winter break, I saw a new (to me) type of clay/sand called Floof.  This is such a great product!  I decided to purchase the snowman kit for my students to create and describe.  It has been so much fun!!!
Using snowmen in speech therapy is a great way to engage students in the winter months!

Using snowmen in speech therapy is a great way to engage students in the winter months!

2) Drawing
A really easy way to incorporate snowmen is with a simple marker and piece of paper.  I start with the three snowballs drawn out and copied.  You can also have your students draw the snowballs and work on the concepts of small, medium, large, top, bottom, and  middle.  Then I give directions such as "give the snowman a red scarf before you give the snowman a pink hat."  There are lots of directions that can be worked on in this activity.
Using snowmen in speech therapy is a great way to engage students in the winter months!

Using snowmen in speech therapy is a great way to engage students in the winter months!

3) Snowmen Snowflakes
Another way to use snowmen in therapy is with these cute snowmen snowflakes.  They are actually super easy to make.  We used them in articulation practice by writing the students speech words on each of the snowmen.
Fold square paper into a triangle.

Draw snowmen on two outside corners.

Cut out snowmen- don't cut the bottoms!

Add extra cuts to decorate.

Using snowmen in speech therapy is a great way to engage students in the winter months!
Write articulation words on snowmen.

4)Snowmen Books
I have also used a few snowmen books in therapy.  My favorites are Snowmen at Night, Sneezy the Snowman, and The Biggest, Best Snowman.
Using snowmen in speech therapy is a great way to engage students in the winter months!

*BONUS Activity for Digital Learning*
I'm updating this in December 2020, when distance learning is the norm for a lot of people right now. I made a fun set of Build a Snowman Articulation BOOM cards that target articulation while making a snowman. 
Build a Snowman Articulation

I hope these snowman activities can help get you through winter!  I personally can't wait until spring though!!!


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